Our bodies are reflected in the celestial planets and objects found within our star system.
Venus & our Earth's celestial orbiting object, the Moon, are rulers of our female reproductive system.This can be seen in the moon's cycle, similar to our menstrual cycle, matching the same 28 day fluctuation.
The Moon’s influence is also seen in the water on Earth. When ocean tides fluctuate, full or new moons are occuring. This is due to the physical influence felt by Luna’s massive gravity.
Reflected within ourselves-
Our cycles respond to the waxing and waning of the moon. During the full ripeness, when the light is most visible, ovulation is at its peak.
Like the ripening of a seed for planting and germination-
In fact, an effective way to conceive a baby is by honoring lunar light.
The woman is advised to sleep near an open window to let the moon's light shine on her, balancing her ovulation cycle through the light's action on the ovaries. This is known as Lunarception.
Ovulation is the central point of a woman’s cycle.
Before this stage, the womb is mainly ruled by the Venusian influence, as the ovaries are activated by estrogen. The hormone estrogen is directly related to the beginning days after a woman stops bleeding. This hormone builds up in our bodies, just like the waxing phase of the moon, building up more & more light the closer to day 14.
At this central point we experience pure ripeness.
This central point is an opportunity where both our pituitary gland and womb communicate. A doorway for alignment and fruits to become ripe.
Lunar influence is felt in the shift of the hormone Progesterone beginning to surge. The Moon is felt in this influence due to the hormones action on preparing the body for lactation, and growth of the uterine lining to promote hospital conditions for a growing seed.
During the gestation phase of a seed grown into a fetus, the moon's influence is found in the amniotic fluid that begins to surround the fetus- a liquid that is primarily composed of water.
If conception does not occur, all hormones drop off and the death of the whole process is shown in the blood shed.